Illustration de l'exposition Prédictions présentée au monastère royal de Brou et à H2M-Espace d'art contemporain

Predictions, artists facing the future

Past exhibition

Discover the new exhibition at the Royal Monastery of Brou and meet artists such as Dürer, Doré, Rodin, Chagall and Foujita!

  • 11 / Free for under-26s

    Exhibition included with admission to the monument

  • Open from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm (until 5pm on 30 and 31 March)

    The exhibition must be vacated 15 minutes before the monument closes.

  • approximately 1 hour

  • Book your ticket


Who hasn't dreamt of knowing what tomorrow will bring?

Across the world and through time, mankind has tried to unravel the mysteries of its future. Whether individual or collective, rational or not, predictions come in all shapes and sizes. As witnesses to the world around them, artists have also taken up this preoccupation with the future.

From the Middle Ages to the present day, over 70 European works are on show. Oracles, prophets and prophetesses, astrology, fortune-telling and fortune-telling...

This exhibition explores the ways in which women and men predicted and anticipated the future, and how they challenged our beliefs and preconceptions. At a time of climate change, the threat of war and new pandemics, the desire to know the future andinfluence it continues to haunt all human endeavours.

A two-part exhibition

"Predictions, artists facing the future" is a two-part exhibition presented at the

  • at the Royal Monastery of Brou from 30 March to 23 June 2024
  • at H2M-Espace d'art contemporain from 13 April to 28 July 2024

Thefirst part of the exhibition at Brou brings together works from the Middle Ages to the 1960s, exploring the ways in which artists such as Dürer, Doré, Rodin, Chagall and Foujita predicted the future.

This exhibition is co-produced by the city of Bourg-en-Bresse in partnership with the Thomas Henri Museum in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, with the support of the Centre des monuments nationaux, the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Conseil départemental de l'Ain.


Exhibition catalogue

In this book, the Royal Monastery of Brou and H2M-Espace d'art contemporain in Bourg-en-Bresse, together with the Thomas-Henry Museum in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, explore for the first time the question of the perception of predictions in Western art.

The major works in the exhibition are featured in a 180-page catalogue with magnificent illustrations, essays and commentary.

Visuel Couv Catalogue Prédictions_OK.JPG

Available in french - €25 - Éditions In Fine